
Showing Tag: "feminist" (Show all posts)

Artspeak: Black Feminist Anthropology—Building an intellectual legacy one book at a time

Posted by on Thursday, December 12, 2013, In : Why Anthropology 

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Dr. Irma McClaurin, Dr. Johnnetta B. Cole, Dr. Bianca Williams, Corliss D. Heath (ABD), and Dr. Rachel Watkins. (Courtesy of Dr. Irma McClaurin)

Crafting a legacy is a very delicate adventure and can be quite deliberate or unintentional. In her book, A Journey that Matters: Your Personal Living Legacy, Erline Belton reminds us of the importance of establishing a “living legacy.” According to her, “…our living legacy encompasses all of who we are; our personality, our passion, ou...
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Finding the Feminist Funnybone...

Posted by on Monday, August 2, 2010, In : Feminist Funny Bone