Posted by Irma McClaurin on Saturday, February 21, 2015
parent of color hopes that their children will grow up without
to the brutality of racism and other forms of social injustice. That is
the promise we hold when we give birth to them and first grasp their
tiny hands and look into their eyes as parents. Few parents of color,
however, are so lucky and can chronicle example upon example of
micro-aggressions to which our children are subjected. My own
children experienced such moments in their formative years at school:
“what if I call you the ‘N’ word,” taunts of “Medusa” for having cornrow
hair or wearing braids, and many more affronts throughout their
youthful years, some of which they never disclosed. What we as parents
of color pray is that our children never have to face a full frontal
attack of racial slurs and the potential for violence. Although my
children are now adults, and may face the same challenges as I when they
have children, I’m still a parent, and it wrenches my heart to know
that children from an American Indian school in South Dakota were the
most recent recipients of the latest social injustice assaults that
seems to be spreading like wildfire across this country.
Original Post: Insightnews, Friday, 06 February 2015 11:32
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native americans
american indians
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"american horse school"
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