Funny bone??—Well Webster’s dictionary

says its  that weird place

towards the back of the elbow

where the ulnar nerve rests.

If you’ve bumped it,

you know it’s there.

But feminists’ funnybone

is in a different location than most. 

It’s not that bony elbow

 that most people know.

Somewhere between the brains that houses our ideology,

and the heart where our passion lives,

rests the feminist funnybone.

And do we need it ever.

 After a hard day’s work of campaigning for equality

 and sending out chain emails

 to get signatures for the next round of legislation

that threatens to return women to the Middle Ages,

we need something.


Laughter is healing,

and quite frankly, from where I stand,

feminists don’t laugh enough. 

We don’t laugh at the outrageous world

in which we live,

we don’t laugh

at the insaneness

of watching legislation

that gave us full rights

begin to shrink

(call it an Alice moment)

right before our eyes,

we don’t laugh

at our own contradictions

and tensions within the women’s movement,

and we certainly don’t laugh for fun.


Watch for more and share your feminist funnybone moment :


[1] Free Merriam-Webster. Accessed May 23, 2010