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Dr. Irma McClaurin, Dr. Johnnetta B. Cole, Dr. Bianca Williams, Corliss D. Heath (ABD), and Dr. Rachel Watkins. (Courtesy of Dr. Irma McClaurin)

Crafting a legacy is a very delicate adventure and can be quite deliberate or unintentional. In her book, A Journey that Matters: Your Personal Living Legacy, Erline Belton reminds us of the importance of establishing a “living legacy.” According to her, “…our living legacy encompasses all of who we are; our personality, our passion, our pain, our joy, our sadness, our progress, our mistakes, our love, our hate our hopes, our dreams and much more” ( The dictionary defines legacy as an inheritance, the passing down of a gift, the bequeathing of something passed through generations. African Americans are a people who have struggled to establish legacies, to pass forward cultural gifts constrained by a past history of enslavement.

We often think of legacy as something that follows us after death. Each of us, I think, hopes that when we pass from this realm of existence into a new one that we leave something behind. But legacy building should begin while we’re still alive. Such was the vision embedded in the making of the edited volume, Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Politics, Praxis and Poetics—to create a living intellectual legacy. Read More
Original Post: Friday, 06 December 2013 10:31, Insight News.